10 October 2008

Temperance, The Sequel

I did a piece on temperance a few weeks ago, but now I have some weaponry. I saw a documentary on Prohibition and it mentioned an organization called the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. I looked at their website and believe we should start a chapter out here. If anyone would like to see this, please click on the website: www.wctu.org. Please comment on here what you think and if you would be willing to accompany me in starting a chapter in Montana.
This group actively tries to put a damper on acohol abuse as well as other issues that stem from moral issues such as same sex marriage and the Amethyst Initiative. Please take a look and tell me what you think.


spode said...

While I think that abstaining from booze is a great idea, I don't belive that you can control someone elses behavior. If a person wants to drink they will. To bring back temperance is not going to work. It is truely a personal choice for each person. No one else can make it for them.

Victorian Lady said...

Temperance should always be around. Leading by example is the point and there is no example out there that says it's okay to not drink. it's part of our social fabric.

Unknown said...

Hi Ladies,

This is Bunny Galladora, National WCTU Media. We would love to have you join us.

One project I am currently working on is called Face the Tears. Visit www.facethetears.org for more details.

I currently have over 1,ooo handkerchiefs for this project. If history is any indication of the future, I will need 1,717 handkerchiefs to show how many college students will die this school year with alcohol a contributing factor.


As the mother of five children, four currently enrolled in college, I know that parents do not work extra hours, take second jobs and/or mortage their homes to send their children to college to learn to drink.

Come join us! We need you!