20 July 2009

Last time on...

I haven't posted in three months, sorry. I must admit that nothing's changed. I'm still mad as heck about what the government is doing-- the entire government, not just the President or the Democrats, but the entire government "Republicans" and all.

I love Glenn Beck an so obviously I have read "Common Sense". If you read Glenn's and Thomas Paine's, they look strikingly similar. We are in a revolution, not a violent war, but a revolution of thought, just like the American Revolution. We as the People, the People of self-government, the People that give the people in government their power, the People who uphold this Republic, have lost that. We are giving away our liberty like the house on Halloween who wants to be cool and not get egged.

Whether we agree with the Government or not, whether we voted these people in or not, they are taking from us as they take from the suckers who do agree with the government and who did vote in these people. We all suffer.

What we need to do as good Americans is throw out the Parties, President Washington didn't want them anyway. We need to stick to our beliefs, regardless of the fallout (believe me, I have a whole softball team that heckles me now, I know fallout). If they want to take our liberties, they can try to pry them from my cold, dead hands. Thank you Charlton Heston.

We need to know our history, read what the Revolution was like. Read who our Founding Fathers were. To be good citizens, we need to be educated citizens. Thank you President Thomas Jefferson.

We need to be the people our ancestors were. The ones that knew what it meant to live in a free country because they didn't grow up in one. The ones that never let the government tell them what to do. It works for us, not the other way around. The ones that said what they believed and believed what they said.

We need to be the people we want our children to be. We need to be the people our children will be proud of. We need to be the people that if we died right now, we'd have no regrets, we'd have died with dignity and honor. We need to have honor again.

We need to be the Best Generation of Americans. The ones that not only defeat an enemy without our land , but also the enemy within, the one that pretended to our friend, pretended to be our voice. Live your life according to your Bible-- whether it is the Bible or the example set by those that preceded us. Be what you admire, desire, believe. No one can disrespect a man who lives by his word.

"Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction" so let's keep it this time. Thank you President Ronald Reagan.