29 September 2008

Polling Place

We are a polling place. Yes, right here in the Drawing Room we are taking a poll. What Kind of Conservative Are You? You can choose more than one type if you wish, but please vote! We have two days left before time is up. Please take the time to vote.

25 September 2008

Happy Birthday David!

Happy Birthday David! Have a great day, I hope it's the best ever!

24 September 2008

Can you lend a dime, or two trillion dollars?

I think this bailout thing is ridiculous. We should not be rescuing companies that lied about their profits and spent more than they had, like so many Americans have been doing the last few years. This is sickening, materialism is rampant. No wonder we could fall into another Depression.
Glenn Beck (one of the super coolest guys ever) is for bailouts. He says we've past the point of no return. Bailouts now are just a buffer so we don't crash and lose everything. It is a valid point, but I disagree. There is no excuse for these companies like AIG, Fannie Mae, Fannie Mac, and Lehman Brothers. They had been in business longer than fifty years at least; they knew how to handle their financial situation. I think we should do this like ripping off a bandage: quick and fast so the pain goes away faster. We'll get through this, we always have. We just need to let it happen to get through it.

22 September 2008

Good Christian Names

I have a set of names from babynames.com that I decided I will name my children someday. Please vote on them! Do you like them, do you hate them? Please tell me what you think!


I call it Modern Victorian.

19 September 2008

Promises are Promises

I said I was going to redecorate the drawing room today and I did. I think this one doesn't turn off so many people as the pink did. I see we have Dan joining us now. Welcome! What do you think of the redecoration?

We are still waiting for two other people to join our ranks *cough*Jen*cough*Allie*cough*. I hope they can stop in some time. Everybody have a great Homecoming! Whoop UC-Davis!

18 September 2008


I wrote a poem entitled that. Different topic, but same story. In the last week, I have heard more drunken mishaps from my fellow conservative colleagues in the university than anywhere else. Alcohol is rampant and I don't approve. I will not condone in any way the illicit and explicit use of alcohol. If I know that you overindulge in this fire-water, I will lose respect for you. Simple as that. I don't condone "meetings" held in bars or the "kegger" for winning an election. I am sorry, no I'm not, but this is outrageous and indecent and immoral. I beg of you, if you agree with me, please write a comment for this. We need to show a solid front against these backwoods drunkards. I feel like we did this a hundred years ago...

15 September 2008

Drawing Room Redecoration

I will be redecorating this Friday. If you want a say in the process, let me know by commenting on this post. I will take all suggestions into consideration before I begin the process. Of course, thank you for comnig, this is your drawing room as well. Enjoy your afternoon.

11 September 2008

Semper Monete.

It is September 11th, and we always say it, but I think we should try it in a different language, one that has stood the test of time: Latin. It is also because I am learning Latin, but that is incidental. I suggest saying "Semper Monete" or writing it on your notebook so you "always are reminded" (that's is what it means) and others should be as well. This is not a conservative holiday, it is an American holiday. The day we were punched in the gut and we did not fall to the ground; we got up and hit them where it hurt and despite any person's thoughts, we are winning both wars. We are victorious against terrorism. We are America and will die for our country if need be. We were built on ideals and will die for those same ideals, that is just who we are. God Bless America.

09 September 2008

Conservative Ideals

I finsihed reading this book from the library called Simple Social Graces: The Lost Art of Victorian Living. I think it explains not only what is wrong with our society today, it describes how to achieve a functioning, civilized, moral society. It is a good read and inspiring. The call number on it if anyone is interested is: 395 L6997s. I think this will turn the tide in our favor-- if people act on their morals. Don't criticize society for being so immoral and vice-ridden; set an example and live the life you want others to follow. That is what I am doing; it is more focused now because of this book. I encourage you all to read it.

08 September 2008

Welcome Back!

This is to those who are home from the Republican National Convention (Allie and Dan) and David who is home from Ireland. Jen I hear is moving soon; good to have you here still!. School this semester is going to be interesting, to say the least, and so I'd like to ask how everyone is at the moment. We will be redecorating the Drawing Room if anyone has a suggestion, I would love to hear it!

04 September 2008

Waiting with bated breath...

It is rather lonely in this lovely drawing room here. Would someone come in and rest a little while? It has been streesful lately with the RNC and school resuming for autumn. Take a load off your mind and relax! The building is over a hundred years old and creaks, but I busily run about preparing in case it is a visitor. Honestly, it is growing tiresome. I wonder who will be the first person (other than myself) to walk in through those enormous oak double-doors to have respite.

02 September 2008


The hurricanes are at it again in the Gulf Coast, but I couldn't help to think: was the coverage overkill of Gustav? It landed as a catergory two hurricane, nothing compared to catergory five Katrina. I believe all the press was to boast of all the precautions and logististical skill FEMA gained in the past three years. There have been less than ten reported deaths due to Gustav and thankfully those boastful remarks were true about how well everything worked this time. Governor Bobby Jindal did well in easing the fears of Louisianians and calming all down about the minor damage sustained during hurricanes. He deserves the credit for how smoothly and calmly the evacuations went this time.