15 September 2008

Drawing Room Redecoration

I will be redecorating this Friday. If you want a say in the process, let me know by commenting on this post. I will take all suggestions into consideration before I begin the process. Of course, thank you for comnig, this is your drawing room as well. Enjoy your afternoon.


Victorian Lady said...

I know I wrote "comnig". I meant "coming" but my fingers are faster than my brain sometimes. Anyway, do I have to send e-mails to everyone for every post to get attention paid to this redecoration? It is not effeminate for men to have a say, only if you want it to be. Ladies, it is not good to be silent in this matter. Do you really want me to have free raign over the entire project. I thought not.

Victorian Lady said...

I know, I spelled "reign" like "raign". Once again, my fingers are faster than my brain sometimes, and I didn't read it over before posting like I am doing now.