24 September 2008

Can you lend a dime, or two trillion dollars?

I think this bailout thing is ridiculous. We should not be rescuing companies that lied about their profits and spent more than they had, like so many Americans have been doing the last few years. This is sickening, materialism is rampant. No wonder we could fall into another Depression.
Glenn Beck (one of the super coolest guys ever) is for bailouts. He says we've past the point of no return. Bailouts now are just a buffer so we don't crash and lose everything. It is a valid point, but I disagree. There is no excuse for these companies like AIG, Fannie Mae, Fannie Mac, and Lehman Brothers. They had been in business longer than fifty years at least; they knew how to handle their financial situation. I think we should do this like ripping off a bandage: quick and fast so the pain goes away faster. We'll get through this, we always have. We just need to let it happen to get through it.


Victorian Lady said...

After listening to the President last night, and hearing the same from him and Glenn Beck, I think we must do bail-outs because there is no other choice. We are past the point of no return and there's nothing we can do about it.